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Make them your teacher

Aug 10, 2023

Something to try...

Who can you enlist as your teacher today? 

A colleague? A team member? One of the kids?

Here’s how: "I really like the way you do X. Could you show me how to do that?"

For example, my son is an origami gun. Last holidays, I was sitting alongside him while he folded something intricate. Even though my first thought was, I wouldn't have the patience for that - I asked him to be my teacher. Not forever, just for that moment in time.

... and 3 reasons why

  1. It strengthens the relationship. Asking someone else to be your teacher is a strong show of respect. This can be especially powerful if you're someone they might not normally expect would look to them for guidance (eg. if you're senior to them in an organisation).

  2. It fuels motivation and confidence. Asking others to teach you something is a great way to demonstrate you recognise and value their strengths. That kind of appreciation fuels motivation. But it also builds confidence, because it helps them to see their own strengths more clearly.

  3. It keeps you in growth mode. Looking for teachers keeps you grounded in humility and learning. Buddhist monk Shunryu Suzuki said, "In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind, there are few."  The more senior we become, the harder it is to hold the mental space for learning. Adopting the practice of asking others to teach you something is a powerful antidote to this. 

So, who can you ask to be your teacher today?




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